LRTC believes in building a multi-use trail system that benefits the broadest cross-section of the Hardy County community.
Get Involved
LRTC depends upon the contributions of its members. Learn how you can be involved through trail work days and volunteering.
Whether individual donations or event or youth mountain bike sponsorship, you can make a difference in our community.
Trail Development
In collaboration with Lost River State Park, the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) has developed a long-term trail plan for the park with a first phase to develop three miles of beginner and intermediate adaptive mountain bike trails.

Hardy County Cryptids
The Cryptids are Hardy County’s youth mountain bike team, open to any student-athlete from 6th to 12th grade. It is part of the West Virginia Interscholastic Cycling League, a chapter of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA).
Get the latest updates about Lost River Trails Coalition, the Cryptids, events, etc.

From trail work days to festivals to races, Lost River Trails Coalition hosts or participants in numerous events throughout the year. The Lost River Trail Run in May and Lost River Classic gravel bike race in August are our flagship fundraising events. Check out our calendar for a complete list. For details on how to sponsor our events, click here.