Thank you so much for your support of the Lost River Trails Coalition in 2024! We would not be able to accomplish our mission to create, maintain, and support new and existing trails for use by our community and visitors in Hardy County without contributions from generous donors like you.
Here are a few highlights of what we’ve been able to accomplish in the last year with your support-
- We were awarded a $240,000 Transportation Alternatives Recreational Trails Program Grant (RTP) to fund construction of the Jay Moglia Beginner & Intermediate Trail, the first purpose built, public mountain bike trail in Lost River State Park (LRSP) and in Hardy County, WV. The required match for the grant, taking the total funds available to $300,000, was provided by the Jonathan D + Mark C. Lewis Foundation and the Lost River Trails Coalition.¹ Construction will begin in Spring 2025.
- We were awarded a Tourism Advertising Program grant from Visit Hardy (Hardy County Convention and Visitors Bureau) to help fund printing promotional materials.
- We became a local International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) chapter.
- We launched the LRTC Website-
- We held our second Lost River Trail Run with over 50 participants.
- The youth mountain bike team we started in 2023, The Hardy County Cryptids, finished their second season with 15 student-athletes.²
- We had two trail work days this spring to help LRSP with post-fire cleanups (in addition to our regular trail work days). We were able to completely clear Big Ridge, Millers Rock, and Virginia View trails so that they were open and safe for park visitors. LRTC also provided tools and volunteers to support the local community fighting the fires which threatened the park and surrounding areas.
- We held our second annual cycling race, the Lost River Classic, which raised close to $10,000. Roughly half of that revenue was used to support the Cryptids to acquire bikes, helmets, coaching certification fees, and other miscellaneous costs; and we also contributed $1,600 back to the Mathias Community Center for their support in hosting the event. We also had a post-race festival with a farmers market and live music.³

Our Plans for 2025:
- We are hosting our third Lost River Trail Run on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
- We’re looking forward to an exciting 2025 season for all of our new and returning Cryptids and Coaches!
- We will host our fourth annual Lost River Classic Saturday, August 16, 2025.
- We will begin and complete construction of the Jay Moglia Beginner & Intermediate Mountain Bike Trail, a sustainably built trail for riders of all abilities at Lost River State Park.
How to Get Involved:
- Become a Member of Lost River Trails Coalition, an IMBA Local Chapter
- Members will receive discounts on registration for the Lost River Trail Run and Lost River Classic, discounts on the LRTC Cycling Jersey (Available Summer 2025), RideWithGPS club account features, local food discounts on trail work days, free digital subscription to Mountain Bike Action magazine, a discount on a new Subaru via IMBA’s VIP program, discounts on over 100 brands of bike and outdoor gear through, and a 15% discount on Water-to-Go bottles.
- Volunteer with LRTC
- Email us at to join our monthly calls (second Monday of the Month). We need volunteers to help with the behind the scenes administrative work that makes what we do possible and on trail work days. No amount of time is too little. We’re a lean group of volunteers and more hands make for light work.
To Donate Money:
Donations may be sent to Lost River Trails Coalition at PO Box 169, Mathias, WV 26812 or made online at or by scanning the QR code below.
Thank you all for your continued interest in and support for the Lost River Trails Coalition. No contribution is too small; each makes a difference in our mission to serve the Hardy County community, whether it is financial or volunteering time to maintain trails, coaching the youth mountain bike team, helping out during an event, or joining one of our monthly calls.
Stay tuned for our 2025 developments, we hope to see you out on the trails!
Pamela Simmonds
President, Lost River Trails Coalition
Follow us on Social Media- and
Donate here: or use the QR code below

¹ This grant is co-sponsored by the Hardy County Commission and IMBA Trail Solutions. The project is being made possible through the ongoing support and partnership of the Lost River Trails Coalition, Lost River State Park, Visit Hardy (Hardy County Convention & Visitors Bureau), and the Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative.
² The Cryptids, the team name chosen by the group, participate in the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) West Virginia Interscholastic Cycling League.
³ The programs of LRTC are funded in part by donations and grants from the community, the Hardy County Commission, Visit Hardy, Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area, and the Jonathan D + Mark C. Lewis Foundation.